Hypixel SkyBlock 0.20.7 - Museum Overhaul, Great Spook Improvements, and more! (2025)

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Today we are bringing you a Hypixel SkyBlock update with an overhaul to how the Museum rewards SkyBlock XP, a slew of improvements to the annual Great Spook event, and more!

UPDATE 10/15/2024: Viewing and browsing other players' museums are currently disabled, however the museum menu is currently enabled.

Museum Overhaul

Since the Museum's initial release, we've acknowledged that its progression lacked depth and didn't scale appropriately with the diverse range of items in the game. That's why we've reimagined the Museum milestone system. This overhaul introduces a more dynamic and rewarding progression system that better reflects the value and rarity of the items you donate.

SkyBlock XP Changes

Instead of each donated item giving the same amount of SkyBlock XP, items will now give differing amounts based on what stage of progression they are found in. Early game items (such as the Spider Sword) won't be giving as much SkyBlock XP as your Hyperion!

New Rewards

Museum rewards are now earned for every 100 SkyBlock XP worth of items you have donated. There are 30 milestones total, with each milestone giving +1% Bits Multiplier and +2% Bank Interest.

Additional Rewards:

  • Milestone II: +100M Auction Bid Limit
  • Milestone III: Deluxe Bank Upgrade & Museum Appraisal Service
  • Milestone V: Travel Scroll to Museum & +200M Auction Bid Limit
  • Milestone VI: Super Deluxe Bank Upgrade
  • Milestone VIII: Access to The Hex & +500M Auction Bid Limit
  • Milestone X: Dust the Fish, Premier Bank Upgrade & Flower Minion Tier XII Recipe
  • Milestone XI: +1B Auction Bid Limit
  • Milestone XII: Access to Shen's Auction & Collecting Top Hat Emblem
  • Milestone XIV: Luxurious Bank Upgrade
  • Milestone XV: Access to Madame Eleanor Q. Goldsworth III's Abiphone Contact
  • Milestone XVII: +5B Auction Bid Limit
  • Milestone XVIII: Palatial Bank Upgrade
  • Milestone XX: Eon the Fish, Access to Shen's Special & +10B Auction Bid Limit
  • Milestone XXIII: +15B Auction Bid Limit
  • Milestone XXIV: Golden Collecting Top Hat Emblem
  • Milestone XXVI: +20B Auction Bid Limit
  • Milestone XXIX: +25B Auction Bid Limit

Note: The previous auction bid limit is 10B, which has been increased and redistributed in the form of museum milestone rewards as shown above.


  • Added new Fame ranks
  • Added new items to the Museum
  • Compacted the item lore for donated Museum items
  • Condensed the functions of the Museum Curator and Madame Eleanor Q. Goldsworth III into just one menu
  • Made certain "Special" items into normally donatable items (such as the Aspect of the Jerry)
  • Added a toggle for viewing the extra statistics of a donated item (such as dates and values)

Great Spook Improvements

We've made several improvements and a couple of additions to the Great Spook event this year in an effort to improve its replay value year-after-year.

Dark Candy Shop

The Dark Candy Shop is replacing the previous Milestones system that was in place for the Great Spook Event. This allows players to pick what rewards they want (and in what order) along with allowing players to re-earn items that were previously one-time claims.

  • x1 Scare Fragment (costs 10 Dark Candy)
  • x30 Expired Pumpkins (costs 1 Dark Candy)
  • x1 Black Woolen Yarn (costs 100 Dark Candy)
  • x1 Sleepy Hollow (costs 150 Dark Candy)
  • x1 Great Spook Tree (costs 170 Dark Candy)
  • x1 Syphon V Enchantment (costs 200 Dark Candy & 10M Coins) NEW!

The Great Spook Emblem is now earned by spending 600 Dark Candy in the shop.

Other Great Spook Changes

  • Added a new 'Vegan Crawler' Primal Fear.
  • The Great Spook event now shows up on the events Calendar.
  • Fear is now a real stat that can be viewed in your stats menu.

Other Changes

Bingo Changes

  • Bingo Profiles can now use /bank
  • Removed the auto-pickup unlock notification when on a Bingo Profile
  • Bingo Profiles can no longer access Dark Auctions, Stonks Auctions, or Shen's Auctions
  • Bingo Pet's Fast Learner perk now affects Slayer XP

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Added a warning when quest-related Abiphone contacts are forcefully added despite your contacts list being full.
  • Added the ULTIMATE rarity to the Auction House filter.
  • Crops farmed during Jacob's Farming Contests will now display in shorthand form on the scoreboard.
    • ex: 1,234,567 → 1.23M
  • Moved Chili Peppers and Stuffed Chili Peppers to the Inferno Demonlord category of the Bazaar.
  • The Gold and Diamond dungeon heads are now soulbound.
    • They are also now available at Rusty if you've lost yours!
  • The Half-Eaten Carrot collection now unlocks once you start Cowboy Nick's quest rather than at the end.
  • You can now break blocks while holding Enchanted Seeds and Carrots.

Bug Fixes

Combat Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Killer Springs from Vampire Slayer couldn't be deactivated.
  • Fixed an issue where Broken Heart Radiation from T4 Enderman Slayer wasn't reducing Vitality.
  • Fixed an issue where the Blazetekk™ Ham Radio would work despite not being in your inventory.
  • Fixed being able to use Earth Shard's ability despite being not meeting its requirement.
  • Fixed being able to use disabled Bows if you activated the Machine Gun Shortbow's ability.
  • Fixed No Pain No Gain activating even from mobs that aren't hostile.
  • Fixed Personal Deletors not deleting Endstone Roses after dropping it from an Endstone Protector.
  • Fixed Skeleton Pet's Skeletal Defense ability not dealing the proper amount of Damage.
  • Fixed the Adaptive Helmet skin not updating correctly when a Dungeon starts.
  • Fixed the Smoldering Polarization effect only pacifying Blazes in the Smoldering Tomb.
  • Fixed Reaper Leggings and Boots not returning to their dyed color after the ability expires.

Farming Fixes

  • Fixed Earthworm Pests regenerating Health after burrowing.
  • Fixed Earthworm Pests teleporting upon taking 0 Damage.
  • Fixed Crop Upgrades not showing their SkyBlock XP reward.
  • Fixed Farming Fortune from Anita's Extra Farming Fortune perk not being listed separately in the stats breakdown.
  • Fixed Mushroom Minions not being affected by Farm Crystals.
  • Fixed Personal Deletors not deleting rewards from Garden Visitor offers.
  • Fixed the Vinyl Collector not requesting the Pretty Fly Vinyl.

Mining Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Soul Esoward would allow you to bypass Bal's invulnerability frames.
  • Fixed the pickaxe ability cooldown reduction from Sky Mall not working on Mining Islands.
  • Fixed a misplaced Mithril block in a vein of Pure Redstone within the Dwarven Mines.
  • Fixed an exploit with the Fossil Excavator.
  • Fixed an issue where having more than one Mineshaft Modifier would not display correctly in chat.
  • Fixed being able to drop multiple Scatha Pets with loot share.
  • Fixed Bal awarding bestiary credit to players who haven't damaged him..Fixed Bal Pet's Dispersion perk not working in Khazad-dûm.
  • Fixed being able to use Pickaxe Abilities by shift right-clicking with a Gemstone Gauntlet.
  • Fixed certain Dwarven Metals consuming Fuel when being broken by Mining Spread.
  • Fixed certain White Glass Panes being indestructible in the Glacite Tunnels.
  • Fixed Endermites spawning while mining End Stone despite using a Stonk.
  • Fixed Front Loaded HOTM perk counting Ores instead of Gemstones.
  • Fixed Front Loaded HOTM perk working on incorrect Powder types.
  • Fixed Gemstone Gauntlet's Kinetic ability working despite not having any Perfect Gemstone slotted.
  • Fixed Lanterns not placing any Torches.
  • Fixed Pristine not showing as a stat that effects Gemstones in the Handy Block Guide.

Miscellaneous Fixes

  • Fixed the Shady accessory line not carrying over item upgrades from tier to tier.
  • Fixed Kat wiping Pets that were sent to your stash.
  • Fixed being able to get unreasonable scores in Carnival minigames on slower servers.
  • Fixed "last elected" data now showing up on certain election candidates.
  • Fixed an issue where the Swappable Preview item could be traded.
  • Fixed a way you could accidentally softlock the Bacte fight.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to access the Stillgore Chateau earlier than intended.
  • Fixed /calendar showing incorrect Mayor Perks.
  • Fixed /wikithis not working for pet skins.
  • Fixed Adventurer Saul using the wrong skin model.
  • Fixed being able to break the wood outside of the Carnival tent.
  • Fixed being able to drag Sea Creatures into the Village.
  • Fixed being able to get items from Dojo Challenges.
  • Fixed being able to get Wool from killing sheared Sheep.
  • Fixed being able to mass sell sacks while in Dungeons.
  • Fixed being able to put Kuudra items in stash.
  • Fixed being able to call Plumber Joe by setting your Private Island to night.
  • Fixed the Bingo goal "Fashionable" not completing if the last set included equipment and you equipped it last.
  • Fixed Captain Ahone's Abiphone answer after killing Kuudra sending "No answer" message after dialogued is played.
  • Fixed Carrolyn not using the correct product name after giving them items.
  • Fixed Carnival Fisherman referring to Foxy as Mayor when she is Minister.
  • Fixed catacombs class average emblems only unlocking if all classes are that level or higher.
  • Fixed chums obtained from Chum Rod not directly going into fishing sack.
  • Fixed Co-op bank account displaying wrong message when attempting to deposit coins when it's full.
  • Fixed Co-ops being able to claim Essence buy orders even if they don't have access to that section of the Bazaar.
  • Fixed Crimson Isle miniboss kill quest prematurely printing the “Completed Quest” message after one miniboss kill.
  • Fixed dismissible notifications not being properly clickable.
  • Fixed error message when donating equipment to the wrong section in the museum.
  • Fixed failed dungeon runs awarding SkyBlock XP.
  • Fixed Hidden Jerries spawning during the Test of Force challenge in the Dojo.
  • Fixed Haste Accessories overriding and removing other haste effects.
  • Fixed island beacon range being mentioned when there is no more beacon range.
  • Fixed Jerry.
  • Fixed King Midas and Shadow Assassin necromancy summons not wearing armor.
  • Fixed Mort refusing to accept Fragged Spirit Masks for their Abiphone contact requirement.
  • Fixed not being able to claim Purple Candy into the Events Sack.
  • Fixed not being to reset Mythological Ritual burrows if Jerry is mayor with Mayor Diana perks.
  • Fixed One for All not removing enchants on items with pre-defined enchants.
  • Fixed quest reward items not being claimed into sacks.
  • Fixed receiving a trophy fish catch message without actually catching a trophy fish.
  • Fixed runic mobs not giving Runecrafting exp on kill.
  • Fixed Sell Stash Now button being clickable on special profile types.
  • Fixed Skill XP not showing correct Overflow XP when max level is reached.
  • Fixed some Full Set Bonuses not working when you had certain skins applied to the Helmet of the set.
  • Fixed Talbot's menu missing information about current Pelts.
  • Fixed the flight duration timer still ticking down despite having a Phoenix Pet equipped.
  • Fixed torches dropping to the ground when the Carnival spawns.
  • Fixed Trapper Crest not gaining pelts if they are obtained from Garden Visitor Trevor.
  • Fixed Trapper Crest not gaining pelts when Finnegan is minister.
  • Fixed vanilla attack skulls from Withers dealing knockback regardless of knockback immunity granting items.
  • Fixed Wither Impact teleportation being disabled after Dungeon ends.
  • Greatly reduced the amount of particles spawned by Ender Nodes to fix them not being visible sometimes.
  • Fixed some duplicate information for certain enchantments in the Enchantment Guide.
  • Fixed several enchantments having missing information in the Enchantment Guide:
    • Fortune IV: Crystal Nucleus
    • Divine Gift I: Regalia Room
    • Dedication IV: Ravenous Rhino Visitor
    • Rainbow III: Mollim + Century Raffle Event

Typo and Formatting Fixes

  • Fixed a double space in the Maniac Miner Pickaxe Ability.
  • Fixed a typo in Diana's Mythological Ritual perk menu.
  • Fixed a typo in certain Mythological Ritual messages.
  • Fixed a typo in the Anomalous Desire Pickaxe Ability.
  • Fixed a typo in the Carnival Mask Bag.
  • Fixed a typo of the word "millennia" in various places.
  • Fixed Diamonite Reforge Bonus not specifying that it only works on Blocks.
  • Fixed Gemstones in the Chisel Gemstone Guide not being listed in alphabetical order.
  • Fixed Livid Dye's description being inconsistent with the other dyes.
  • Fixed Powders being listed in the wrong order in the Reset HOTM menu.
  • Fixed the Beacon menu showing incorrect color formatting for the selected stat.
  • Fixed the Carnival Ticket item lore not mentioning the possibility of Foxy being a minister.
  • Fixed the El Dorado Rabbit unlock description showing the wrong name.
  • Fixed the Fel Sword and Hurricane Bow item lore not updating properly when getting kills.

That's all for today! Hypixel SkyBlock 0.20.7 - Museum Overhaul, Great Spook Improvements, and more! (1)

Hypixel SkyBlock 0.20.7 - Museum Overhaul, Great Spook Improvements, and more! (2025)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Views: 6220

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.